What Are the Top Performing Cryptocurrencies So Far in 2018?
Many coins this year have been on a dive. Through all those struggling to see green, there were a few that had positive gains since the beginning of...
How To Keep Earning Income After You Retire
Retirement isn't what it used to be. With the Social Security Administration struggling to keep up with the number of Americans living well past...
Cryptocurrency Airdrops – The Ultimate Guide
Cryptocurrency airdrops are a common terminology among cryptocurrency enthusiasts. However, those who are just getting into the digital asset may...
Five Data Security Breaches Worth Learning From
Every day, billions upon billions of pieces of personal data fly across the Internet. We trust the companies we do business with, our governments,...
The Best Ethereum Wallets On The Market
If you’re looking to get into cryptocurrencies, you must have wallets to store them in. No, that doesn’t mean keeping them on an online exchange...
The Top 8 Ways To Find Freelance Work
One of the toughest obstacles to overcome when you're freelancing is how actually to go about finding the work. Freelancing can be a rare treat,...
The Minimalist Guide to Blockchain as a Service
Many companies eagerly await the chance to utilize the benefits of blockchain to improve their security and enhance their information...
How To Incorporate Machine Learning Into Your Business
When it comes to buzzwords, ‘machine learning’ is practically a senior citizen, first coined 59 years ago by American computer scientist Arthur...
A Minimalist Guide to Bitcoin Forks
For newcomers to the cryptocurrency sphere, there are Bitcoin enthusiasts and then there’s everyone else. There are more than 1,600 coins listed...
4 Ways To Shrink Your Digital Footprint Online
When's the last time you considered what kind of a trail you're leaving behind online? It's called your digital footprint, and it includes the...